do you love george w. bush?
written: 11:27 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 23, 2002

I don't really do advertising, but you all have to check out dubyah. It's the funniest shit I've read in ages. I mean, it's dead funny. Funny-til-your-arse-falls-off-the-chair funny. Especially if you think George W. Bush is the biggest idiot ever.

I laughed til I drooled, literally. So read the damn thing! It's funny! How many times do I have to repeat that blasted word?!

Watched ER. Oh my god. I love Luka Kovac. I don't know if that's spelled correctly, but I so would not mind having a man as nice and good as he is as a husband. *sigh* He looks so much like Joaquin...

Anyway. Off to bed.

np: ER theme in my head.

before sunrise // before sunset

- - Tuesday, Aug. 29, 2017
I'm moving. - Sunday, Jul. 11, 2010
In all honesty - Tuesday, Jul. 06, 2010
What I want for my birthday... - Sunday, Jul. 04, 2010
On Roger's behalf. - Friday, Jul. 02, 2010