future tense
written: 4:59 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 11, 2002

I cut my Chemistry class. It was not my first attempt cutting lessons, but it was the first time I did it by myself. I thought it would be difficult getting out of the school, but I was wrong. It took about a minute to get out, which surprised me. So I went to the mall near my house to get a new book for a diary, and I was feeling so awesome about cutting class that I wanted to shout to whoever cared to listen, "LOOK AT ME! I CUT CLASS! WA-HOO!"

Wouldn't that be the coolest.

Now friction sucks. It simply sucks. Physical or otherwise, especially otherwise, but when otherwise-friction happens, I don't know how to rectify things, so I simply let it be.

I don't feel like elaborating so just let that be. It's not all that important anyway.

4 girls from my class failed the Physics exam that I passed. Shocking much? I wasn't among the ones that failed the exam. Like hell, I got a 24% last year for Physics. This is funny. I really should dominate the world.

I can't decide if I want to stay in a hotel room with my friends and classmates after graduation. On the one hand, it would be fun. On the other, what would I do about my dress? What would I bring to put change of clothing in? What if people start to piss me off again?

The last point isn't all that likely I suppose, as it would be graduation night and normal people get sentimental on graduations and they want to spend like every last minute with their friends or whoever. But what the hell. It's still a long way off.

I'm going to see Gen the first thing after exams finish. Oh, and next Friday I'm excused from school because there are some open houses thingies going on. I'm going to the Hwa Chong junior college one (the campus is like a half-hour bus ride from my house), and after that I'm going to watch "City by the Sea" (I think that's the title anyway) because James Franco is in it, and I'm convinced he's the reincarnation of James Dean.

So exciting. I'm watching by myself as I don't want to go with anyone. I can't wait.


Football talk: Real Madrid tied with Real Betis! Shit! 1-1! Shit! No more clean sheet for Iker! He probably has like one or two from the Liga matches but damn, I hate it when he lets in goals! That sucks! The first time I saw him in action was against Ireland during the World Cup, and we all know about the penalty saves, so that kind of has defined Iker for me. It's unfair to him 'cause he ain't perfect, but still, I cannot help it.

I just found out that match was a continuation of the suspended match, which was due to power failure at the stadium. Oh well. At least they didn't lose. They're number 3 on the Liga standings, which is great, and the top club in their Group C Champions League thingy, obviously, durrrrr.

I hate draws. Victories are the best.

before sunrise // before sunset

- - Tuesday, Aug. 29, 2017
I'm moving. - Sunday, Jul. 11, 2010
In all honesty - Tuesday, Jul. 06, 2010
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On Roger's behalf. - Friday, Jul. 02, 2010