strike one, but i don't care
written: 5:32 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 17, 2002

Guess what happened during today's very important O Level Science practical exam? The stupid crap started an hour late. Why did it start an hour late? We got the wrong exam papers. I suspect it's my dumb-assed Biology teacher who took the wrong stack of papers from the Ministry of Education. Ours is Biology-Chemistry, and the papers on the table were Chemistry-Physics.

So someone had to drive back to the MOE and get the correct set. And we sat there for one hour doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! Man, I was bored. And the stupid exam sucked. The Biology part stumped me. I was hoping food test would come out because it's so fun boiling food and stuff like that, but it didn't. Instead, they asked some stupid question about digestion and some lipase thing. What the hell is lipase? Do I fucking care? No, I fucking don't!

I was given vegetable oil, the lipase thing, and bile salts, and I was supposed to add this to that and form a pink solution. Then I was supposed to put all 3 test tubes into a pathetic beaker of water at 40 degrees celsius and wait for the stupid shit to colour. But did it? No. It didn't occur to me to change the water, so of course it cooled and my experiment was all wrong. The pink remained pink. I was supposed to identify the test tube in which the pink completely disappears, but when the whole exam has ended, the pink were still there, in all three test tubes.

ARGH! Chemistry required me to burn a piece of filter paper stained with some solution, etc. I made a total mess. I was supposed to actually record the colour of the dumb ash, which is so stupid because ash is black, period. How was I supposed to know I had to look out for any abnormal colour?

Guess what everyone saw except me? The colour green. The ash was GREEN and I didn't see it! What the fuck! I was blowing out the fire every other second as I was so afraid that my exam paper would catch fire and I'd be dead. Since when was ash green anyway? It's crazy.

What a dumb exam. The male invigilator was such a prick. He told us to "keep your mouths shut." Bloody asshole. My instant reaction was, "What the fuck?" Ha ha ha.

So I'm going to fail it but I don't care. I took it so easy that I got a strange look from a classmate when I loudly proclaimed, "I don't even care about Science, I'm not going to study for it for the O Levels."

Screw it, man. What a stupid exam. I also named Solid P wrongly. How was I supposed to know the piece o' shite wasn't a hydroxide but a metal? Whatever.

Went for lunch with Yunnie, Mrs. Jerry Yen and The Athlete. They ordered a plate of pasta, a plate of garlic bread and a bowl of soup. They were starving. I wasn't. I ordered everything except the garlic bread and the soup. I finished my food. They didn't. They were like, "Wah, I look at the food and I want to puke!" Haha. It was so funny. The Athlete miraculously could barely finish her stuff. That last time we went to the same restaurant, she finished Yunnie's food for her, in addition to her own.

I think it was the Coke. Drinking Coke makes you full. You shouldn't drink Coke if you want a nice, satisfying meal.

So I ate and after that I had a stomach ache. All the way until I reached home. And we walked round the shopping mall quite a bit. I saw the Spider-Man DVD. Oh my god. Two discs, one movie and special features, another one special features alone. Too bad it wasn't the collector's gift set thing. It's more expensive but it sounds really awesome. I want it.

Maybe I'll trick Gen into buying it for me. He got a tattoo done for like, S$250. I'm sure he can afford a S$70 DVD. And hello, it's for me. ME, and not some other person.

His tattoo is totally scary. It is a skull. I saw it, and was like, "Oh my god." But it's so sexy on him that I don't even care.

Oh yeah. My form teacher took a copy of the Humanities Scholarship application form for me. I didn't ask her to. They gave it out yesterday and I wasn't in school, so she took it for me, with a message, "Give it a try! Good luck." Aww, how nice.

I wanna get it. Yes, I do. I want the money. But I don't want to be bonded. I mean, who the hell wants to teach for six years and switch a profession? Not me. We'll see how things go.

before sunrise // before sunset

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