time to sink into depression
written: 6:49 p.m. on Tuesday, Aug. 12, 2003

I received a trophy in the form of a basketball today for taking part on the inter-house basketball tournament. Rono house got third. I feel so special. This is my first sports-related trophy ever, which actually only goes to show how deprived I am... it took me 17 painful years to get a trophy for sports. Hahahaha.

I more or less know my grades for the progress report. I tried forming the four alphabets into a word today and the closest I got to an actual word was BODE.

If only I could substitute that O with an A. But then, something would be really wrong if I got an A for Econs so yeah. B for Maths, O for Econs, D for Literature and E for History. A2 for GP. Don't know about Chinese. I'm thinking a C which would cause my dad to haemorrhage but oh well.

Well. I guess I... I don't know. Really tired right now. Played badminton with The New Kid and more or less thrashed him flat...

Okay, I didn't. We were even, I'd say. Although he would definitely beg to differ.

He's... bloody cute lah. Made a lot of stupidly funny and funnily stupid actions while playing. And next time I'd avoid Lido like the plague. I can't even count on my hands the number of ex-SN people I saw last Friday. Jeez.

It's just weird to have people you know talking among themselves, going, "Who's that guy? Is he her boyfriend? Do you know anything?"

I just don't like talking about things like that and I hate the word 'boyfriend', although if you asked me for another word I couldn't tell you 'cause I don't know but I just hate that word.

And I'm hungry.

before sunrise // before sunset

- - Tuesday, Aug. 29, 2017
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