don't like it? too bad.
written: 8:53 p.m. on Tuesday, Aug. 12, 2003

I have a serious attitude problem that can't be cured by science or psychology or conditioning or discipline or anything at all, for that matter. I'm hostile to stupid schoolmates, a phrase which pretty much describes three quarter of the students at JJC, and I'm not sorry for being hostile to them a single, bleeding bit.

Let me cite a few examples. In the canteen today I was queueing up for my lunch. Mel was with me and we were at the front of the queue, talking to this CCA senior of ours. So I was minding my own business and everything when out of the blue some guy from the back went, "Excuse me", in my direction. So I looked at him.

He asked, "Have you ordered yet?"

I arched an eyebrow, put on an incredulous, 'what the fuck is this' expression, and went, very curtly, "Yes."

I didn't wait for a reply and went back to my conversation but he gave me one anyway. I didn't quite catch it though. I totally ignored him.

Example Two. At the toilet yesterday. I hate going into the toilet sometimes, and what I'm going to talk about clearly illustrates why. So I was changing into my PE attire, minding my own business, when this group of Science stream girls outside began behaving like total children. They were yelling about some shit or other, and some girl's shirt dropped to the floor or something and she was screaming at her friends to pick it up for her. And her stupid, immature friends were teasing her and saying, in Mandarin, things like, "I'm not giving it back!"

As if that's not enough. The girl who dropped her shirt, still in the cubicle, asked her friends to wait. One of her friends shouted, "No, we're leaving!"

The girl who dropped her shirt replied loudly, "Noooooo! Wait for me!!!!!!"

By this point I was all ready to burst out of my cubicle, knock down the door of the one next to me where the girl who dropped her shirt was and asked her to kindly shut the fuck up, her noise is seriously tearing my precious eardrums and I'm about to go insane. But I didn't. It would be funny though if I did, I'm sure.

Anyway, a few moments of blissful yet misleading silence later, I was very nicely treated to loud, annoying and obnoxious laughter. Turned out her friends were hiding in the other cubicles, waiting to pounce the minute she steps out of hers.

Jeez. How very juvenile. But this is not the crux of the story. What I did was, I stormed out of my cubicle with my uniform in hand. In the toilet there's this convenient rack to put bags and files on, and my bag was there. In front of the rack though crowded those annoying girls, yakking away like bloody crows. By then I was already very annoyed. I pushed past them, deliberately jostling one girl who turned to look at me but I ignored her, not even bothering with an 'excuse me'.

I seriously can't help it when people annoy me. The New Kid has told me that I'm always having this pissed off look on my face, which I think is a bit of a stretch because he claims that I look pissed off even when I'm not even annoyed. But I digress.

The thing is, sometimes I purposely turn my whole face black just to scare people off, and it works, as this classmate of mine is apparently scared to talk to me. Whatever. And the way I deal with annoying people isn't exactly what one would consider nice.

But you know what? I'm done with being nice. Why be nice and get nowhere when you can be mean and get what you want?

So that's my attitude problem. If I were somebody else, someone more gullible and naive, perhaps, I would do something about it.

Unfortunately, I am me. The genius who doesn't give a shit.

And thus, I'm going to do absolutely nothing about it.

Thank you very much.

before sunrise // before sunset

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