written: 5:29 p.m. on Sunday, Oct. 24, 2004


The toilet, halfway through a shower;

Fleeting flights of fancy, intangible and preposterous;

Bouts of momentary melancholy, seemingly insurmountable;

Or maybe simply this: Random words that find their way to one's mind, unannounced, uninvited, a pocketed key from before one was born to unlock every single door.


Free-verse poetry, a la Jim Carroll and e.e cummings;

Entries that head nowhere, ignited by straying words that make no sense;

The A Levels, a last-ditch attempt at recovering one's pride;

The A Levels, a desperate snatch at the glory that might never ever be;

And above all else: Simply, life, with all its meandering idiosyncracies that do not collocate with anything that slightly resembles rationality.


More than infallible mathematical equations, more than e^e^e^infinity;

Exponential equations, Cambridge's generous gift to the laziest Maths candidate;

Most significantly: The feeling that continues to inhabit one's body and soul, two days after a nice cosy session at the school's new cafe during which one laughed a lot and felt, for the first time in quite a while, truly at ease.


November 25 - the closing chapter of the past year and 11 months.

December 30 - Graduation night, the overrated "prom night", or simply a day to say good-bye once and for all, for good.

Good-bye: In Chinese, it translates to 'see you again', not quite with the same amount of negative connotation as its English counterpart.

My point? I choose to say it in Chinese.


An anomaly, something that occurs once in a blue moon, George W. Bush making sense;

This moment: A cliche -- everything is going to be okay.

Refinement of the above: Perhaps I wouldn't need to kill myself next March after all.

I never thought this would remotely be possible.

I guess we learn something new every day.

before sunrise // before sunset

- - Tuesday, Aug. 29, 2017
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