bad, baaaad entry.
written: 8:25 p.m. on Wednesday, Jul. 20, 2005

I went for a brief swim today and I'm soooo tired. There was a huge chunk (yes, chunk) of water in my ear that was causing serious, distressing discomfort but thankfully some of it flowed out a while ago. This is a good reason why I don't like swimming sometimes, the other being how it makes my eyes all red since I don't wear goggles as I look ugly with them, but it's still a sport which I'm relatively good at and I genuinely love being submerged in water, no matter how dubious the quality and cleanliness of said water. I was floating idly on my back in the middle of the pool, staring straight up at the sky and hearing the gentle udulation of water directly in my ears, and it was such a peaceful, calming feeling that I almost fell asleep.

I think I'd catch pneumonia or something if I had fallen asleep though. And I'm definitely on the verge of falling asleep right now. My mom wants to watch The Hidden Fortress later. Great.

Anyway, I bus-ed down to Holland Village this afternoon to have a long-awaited cup of coffee with Denise, who's going to Law school this year too and doing the graduate programme. It was nice talking to her and I'm glad I made a new friend. She told me a lot of hilarious stories from her brief stay at Law camp, some of which made me wish that I did go while others made me remember why I was so adamant about not going. We talked for quite a bit and easily too, and we're both quite disgusted with what NS does to perfectly normal guys - but I don't feel like going into that right now, since I'm the verge of falling asleep so maybe next time.

Ah, yeah, I'm tired, and I want Jielun's Initial J album which is a compilation of some of his songs to be released in Japan, and I want it despite hating greatest hits crap as I think they completely rip off the fans. I want it because it includes the two songs he wrote for Initial D (which naturally kick ass), the two songs he wrote for Initial D which are not on the Initial D soundtrack.

His management, recording company, whatever, deserve to be shot. Irritating money-hungry leechers. Ugh. It's all about the music and whatever else that comes along with the ride are mere bonuses and nothing more. His MP3 player endorsement is so damn stupid and I'm glad I'm not dumb enough to buy it. Who can't tell that they're trying to get guileless fans of his to snap up a bloody stupid 512 MB MP3 player by including demos of his songs and the two Initial D songs exclusively in the player? Thank goodness in times like these for Internet downloading. I will never rip him off by downloading his albums, but when his company tries to rip me off by pulling such brain dead stunts, there's no way in hell I'm gonna bite, no matter how much I believe in intellectual property.


Confusion stirs in my heart.

Haha. That just sounded stupid, man. It popped into my head and I thought I'd write it down.

Okay, this is a shitty time to attempt to write. I'm falling asleep. Screw this entry.

before sunrise // before sunset

- - Tuesday, Aug. 29, 2017
I'm moving. - Sunday, Jul. 11, 2010
In all honesty - Tuesday, Jul. 06, 2010
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On Roger's behalf. - Friday, Jul. 02, 2010