don't bother with this entry.
written: 6:16 p.m. on Sunday, Aug. 21, 2005

I bought Nan Quan Mama's new album yesterday, and - save for three songs - I absolutely hate it.

They replaced two of the oldest members with two younger and less talented ones, one dude and one 17-year-old chick with the most nauseatingly saccharine voice ever. She did a solo on "What Can I Do" (rip off of The Corrs much you untalented, unoriginal poseur?) and I honestly thought that my ears were bleeding. The new dude wrote a couple of songs and they sounded the same; to top it all off, his lyrics suck. And what's with the pseudo-cool poses in the CD inlay? He looks like Huang Yida for fuck's sake. How can that remotely be cool?

As a result, the CD is so pop that I can't stand it at all. It's horrible, absolutely shitty. Track #9 sounds like FIR and I hate FIR. Track #4 is a Chinese version of Sum41Blink182GoodCharlotteYadayada, so fucking pretentious and obviously pandering to the guileless mainstream that it makes me sick. And I'm sorry Dantou, you're damn cute and all but YOU CAN'T WRITE A DECENT MELODY TO SAVE YOUR LIFE. The song he wrote, Zui Hou Yi Mei Xiao Rong (the last smile or whatever lah) was bland, dreary and boring; stick to writing lyrics please.

The only saving grace is Yuhao. He's so talented, he's almost comparable to my darling Jielun. I love the first two tracks and they were both written by him. The opening song opens with this amazing piano, slightly reminiscent of Romantic piano pieces, that gradually gives way to loud guitars and crazy scratch effects. He doesn't do the rap thing half as well as Jielun does but still, considering how shitty the two new members are, major props to him for being dedicated to good music. The second song, Xiao Shi (Disappear) is amazing. Save for the cliche bridge section with the overwhelming, straining strings in the background and thus the requisite raising-of-key-to-one-key-higher (help I've forgotten the technical word for it! The only thing that came to mind was 'syncopation' and that's obviously not the right word) that reminds one of American Idol-esque ballads a la Carrie Underwood's "Inside Your Heaven", the song is gorgeous. It's a bit Wa Jie-ish in the sense that the verses and the chorus slightly jar with each other, but nonetheless it's a great song and I love it.

The other song I like is Track #5, something Dan Jiang (it's some form of a boat) - oh my god it's so Chinese and awesome!!! Okay I shan't comment on the similarities between this song and Jielun's Dong Feng Po because I don't want to spoil the song for myself, but whatever it is, it's amazing, it's like modern translation of an old Chinese/Taiwanese folk song, so immersed in culture that it's wonderful, despite New Member Lara's annoying vocals.

In short, NQMM sucks now, which is so sad, considerng the superlative quality of their first album. But then again, the new NQMM is only half of what I know them as so yeah, whatever, this isn't nearly as tragic as Jielun putting out a bad CD (like that's even remotely possible actually). But GOD so many songs sounded like Jielun that it's disgusting! Track #9 for instance, the scratchy bits, shit that was so Nuo Fu-like! (Nuo Fu is Track #2 on Jielun's 4th album.) And that other song Yuhao wrote, something about orange juice, shit whoever wrote the lyrics must be retarded to think that fans won't notice how disturbingly similar it is to Jielun's Jian Dan Ai!

What a royal waste of money. I can't remember the last time I hated a CD that much. My bro can have this CD which I'm sure will make him very happy indeed. Whatever.

I can't study. Whenever I try to read my Torts cases my mind keeps wandering off and thinking about other things, which then induces my body to get up from the chair, walk out of my room and talk nonsense to my mom. Utterly unproductive day, today is. It also didn't help that I had NQMM's Xiao Shi stuck in my head the whole damn time (music is a major source of distraction; hence I study without music on, which means that music playing in my head will serve to do nothing but distract which really defeats the whole purpose of not putting music on but yeah).

What the hell is wrong with blogspot? All the blogs I read regularly are taking ten trillion light years to load - halfway. IT'S SO IRRITATING.

Today's entry is a piece of shit. Apologies to all who have been robbed of their precious time as a result of reading it.


before sunrise // before sunset

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