failure, both entry-wise and study attempt-wise.
written: 12:11 a.m. on Sunday, Sept. 11, 2005

School of Rock was showing on HBO Saturday night (last night 11 minutes ago) at 9 p.m. I usually complain about having absolutely shit-all to watch on TV on days that are neither Mondays (American's Next Top Model! <3) and Thursdays (Joey! <3 and Lost), because the vast lack of an entertainment outlet seriously pisses me off.

However, I chose not to watch School of Rock and chose to force myself to read my Tort cases instead. Why? Because I hate Jack Black. I absolutely cannot stand his fat, ugly and annoying face. I'd rather torture myself with miles-long House of Lords judgments that go and on and on in a semi-coherent fashion than to torture myself with his annoyingly over-the-top antics. And that whole rock thing seems so poseur-ish that I think I would've been very offended if I'd watched it.

Anyway, yesterday was an utterly unproductive day. I read a grand total of four cases, self-compiled notes typed out on Microsoft Word included. Four damn cases out of the list of...a whole freakin' lot. Staying home barely made an ounce of difference.

I would've gone out; except that I didn't have anyone to go out with me. And I'm hanging out with Khai later on today at Starbucks Raffles City so I guess it only made sense for me to attempt to read my crap yesterday.

What an onerously futile attempt. I think I am screwed in more ways than one.


Friday night/early Saturday morning at 2, 3 a.m. I cried myself to sleep.

I wrote and posted an entry previously on the reasons why but I ended up deleting it.

I would try to attempt to shroud the reasons why in more displays of exasperating vagueness...but I don't even know where to begin doing that.

I was going to say something but after MSN-ing I completely forgot what it was. I hate it when such things happen; it disrupts my thought process which in turn disrupts my entry and makes it shitty.

Lesson learnt: The next time I write an entry, I shall steer very clear of MSN.

Oh, forget it.

before sunrise // before sunset

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