knowing the difference.
written: 1:45 a.m. on Friday, Feb. 02, 2007

(spoilers for Veronica Mars 3x10)

Just watched last week's Veronica Mars. I almost cried at that scene with the monkey. Strange how I can sit through movies like Munich without feeling a thing, but put me in front of some serious animal-human bonding and I have tears in my eyes.

I'm a sap. Only when it comes to animals.

Really liked the guy who was totally into Mac. He was cute.

Logan and Veronica. The (implied) make-up sex. I'm sorry, but can we say fucking unrealistic? Poor Piz, but he's not good enough for her.

Liked the episode but felt sedated throughout. Bleah. Well, on the bright side, now we know which side of the fence the show is on with regard to the animal experimentation issue.


Veronica: Parker has been going nuts, like I'm some sort of freak 'cause I'm not grabbing anything within ten feet. It's exhausting.

Piz: Totally. It's like music. I mean, I love music, but it doesn't mean I have to listen to it all the time(...)

Veronica: Like why bother with something that's not...good? 'Cause if it's not good -

Piz: It's bad. Exactly. But these guys were all like, "as long as she's got a pair of..." You know, it was indelicate.

Veronica: What's indelicate about shoes?

Piz: I figure - well, I mean, I know what I like. Why waste my time?

Veronica: Like why bother with something not good just because it's something?

Piz: Especially when you know the difference, which not many people do. I mean, do you?

Veronica: I - I think I do.

Piz: It's like 90% of life - just knowing the difference.


I think I know the difference. I think I don't.

I'm so incredibly, indescribably tired.

before sunrise // before sunset

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