2003 in review: a survey 2
written: 9:10 p.m. on Thursday, Jan. 01, 2004

now playing: jay chou "the one" concert CD, disc one.

Got this from here.

Recall 2003

**Begin all questions with "In year 2003...."

First: the silly questions

1) How did you celebrate your birthday? Went to school, had the class sing me a birthday song, cut P.E. and went home early, had dinner outside with the family.

2) What's the most expensive thing you've bought? Hmm. I don't know, probably some shirt or whatever.

3) What CDs have you bought? �ܽ��� - Ҷ������ Jay Chou - Yeh Hui Mei, his "Hidden Track" EP, REM's 'best of' album, Radiohead's "Hail to the Thief", and if I'm not wrong I bought the concert CD, which I'm listening to right now, this year too. Etc.

4) Did you celebrate mother's day or father's day? Um, I think so.

5) Did you get anything for your teachers during teacher's day? Just some crappy cards that was sponsored by JJC. Too cheapskate to buy real cards.

6) What is more significant: The Iraq war or the SARS crisis? Significance is relative, and to me, SARS held precedence over the Iraq War. It affected me directly and it struck at home, while the Iraq War happened overseas and thus seemed a little abstract, despite all the news coverage and all. Besides, it was a war that should've never been, perpetuated by some dumb arse, whereas SARS was something beyond our control when it first started. I mean, it wasn't like someone purposely spread the disease to Toronto, although the China government is to be faulted for making it as widespread as it was, and okay I'll shut up and move on now.

7) How much alcohol did you drink? Jolly Shandy and that was it.

Social / love life next!

9) How many crushes? One long one, one that I acted upon, and one that lasted for a few days. And I have a perpetual crush on Jay Chou and Joaquin Phoenix, so yeah.]

10) Have you started a romance? Yes. If you can call it that.

11) Have you ended a romance? Yes. The New Kid, and that basically ruined our friendship for me.

12) Have you valued love more? Actually, believed in it -- as in boy-girl love -- even less.

13) Have you lost friends who have a significant role in your life? Not really, just kinda hung out less due to different schools and such.

14) Have you gained friends who have a significant role in your life? Yeah, I think so.

15) Have you valued friendship more? Actually, I'm more disillusioned than ever.

16) What do you think of IRC as a form of socialisation? I think I went on IRC less than ten times the entire year, so I'm not the best person to ask this to.

17) What do you think of clubbing / pubbing as a form of socialisation? Who fucking cares.

18) Do you think you have become a more social person? Actually, less. I'm not sociable at all. Sometimes I truly don't see why I should be.

Memorable moments~

19) What's the most memorable present you have given? I don't know.

20) What's the most memorable present you have receive (sic)? Jay Chou's concert DVD. I probably shouldn't have accepted it, but who cares, it's Jielun.

21) Who became the most memorable person in your life? No one.

22) What's the most memorable day in your life? January 11, Jay Chou concert. PLEASE COME BACK TO SINGAPORE!

23) What's the most memorable thing that has happened? See above, and going up to that cager and asking for his number and experiencing my first rejection ever. 'Twas fun, on hindsight.

24) What's the most memorable thing you have learnt? That one really doesn't need people. And that homework has definitely got to be done.

25) What's the most memorable thing you have said? "I'm a genius."

26) What's the most memorable thing you have heard someone say? Nothing.

Four ugly questions...

27) What did you regret the most? Not studying hard enough.

28) What have you wasted the most time on? Internet.

29) What did you miss the most? My SN friends.

30) What did you hate the most? School and all the work I had and still have to do.

And now: Make a resolution for 2004. Just one.

That I won't ever have to make another resolution ever again.

Read the previous entry.

this entry requires chinese simplified encoding

before sunrise // before sunset

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