another adventure with mr. nerd
written: 10:44 p.m. on Sunday, Apr. 04, 2004

On Saturday I had a lovely time with Mr. Nerd at one of the many Mos Burger joints on the island. It was nice seeing him again after such a long time. He's still as crappy as ever and oh, someone has found true love!

Still homophobic as ever, I'm sad to say. I asked him about his girlfriend and he was like, "Yeah, I think will last for quite a while." I said, "Huh, really, how do you know?" He said, "I just do."

Then as we were walking into the mall again he said, "So, do you have any announcements to make?"

I decided to make a joke out of it and answered, "Yep, I'm a lesbian."

I should say first that I don't have much of a point to make, except that we both laughed and a mild argument over the legitimacy of homosexuals as human beings ensued which was later brought to an end by myself. It was funny though. I asked him what if I really were a lesbian, and he said something along the lines of, "Oh okay lor, then I will wait until you become normal again."

Haha. I usually take issues with such ignorant remarks but you can't fault Mr. Nerd for being Mr. Nerd. He's funny. Very cute and I don't mean just good-looking. At Mos Burger he was playing with his cup of ice and made this hole in the piece of paper they put on the tray, and he was pouring ice into this little plate in which one squeezes chilli sauce and it was absolutely DISGUSTING, and all the while he was teaching me how to study smart and cut useless classes.

To reiterate, it was funny. He got into OCS (Officer Cadet School), which is supposed to be this really prestigious thing as only a few people manage to get in, and once you do, you become an officer which is like the highest in the army hierarchy or something and yeah, he was really happy about it.

The thing about Mr. Nerd is that he is a very ambitious person. Wants great things for himself, like me. Unlike me though, he does what he has to do get the shit that he wants. And yesterday, after going our separate ways, I was mildly inspired by his ambitiousness. And trust me, I'm hardly inspired by anyone I know on a personal level.

He's one of the most ambitious people I know, if not the most ambitious. And that's a good trait.

Yep, so it was fun. And now I'm going to bed. I, unfortunately, have school tomorrow and I still haven't finished the Literature essay due last Monday. Oh no, I am so in for it. On my fifth page on Microsoft Word and still have tons to write.


before sunrise // before sunset

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