strange condition.
written: 6:26 p.m. on Wednesday, Dec. 14, 2005

I sent an email to [email protected] and am eagerly awaiting a reply.

I am too lazy to explain the Veronica Mars context.

Speaking of VM, the Golden Globes should just die and kill itself. Snubbing VM is not the smartest move an awards show can make, especially when said awards show nominated fucking Prison Break in its Best Drama category instead of VM. PRISON BREAK. I watched the Pilot, downloaded the second episode, never watched it and ended up deleting it. The main actor, although cute, has a grand total of one facial expression - which is that weird wannabe-smirk that makes him utterly unattractive. And not nominating Kristen Bell? HELLO? Are the Globes people on crack or just born freaking stupid?

Personally I'm also pissed that Jason Dohring didn't get a nod for his brilliant portrayal of Logan but I highly doubt that'd ever happen outside of my fantasies so yeah. The biggest stabs in the heart, though, is the absence of nominations for Best Drama and Best Actress. I don't care how much I dug Desperate Housewives Season 1; nominating ALL FOUR ACTRESSES is just a bit too fucking ridiculous.

Other unforgivable snubs:

1. Lauren Graham on Gilmore Girls - seriously? She's a much better actress than the one that plays Gabrielle on Desperate Housewives. I'm not a raving Gilmore fan like I am a raving AND obsessed VM fan, but I've always enjoyed Lorelai; I laughed at her comical moments and ached for her in her poignant moments (especially a scene in a Season 6 episode in which she goes into Rory's room and, well, cries; my description doesn't do it justice, of course). The best part? Graham has the acting chops to pull all of it off and she more than makes up for Alexis Bledel's lukewarm acting skills as Rory. (I kinda like Rory but sometimes, she underwhelms me.)

2. Chandra Wilson on Grey's Anatomy - she's hilarious. Enoguh said.

I personally don't quite understand why Patrick Dempsey (Grey's Anatomy) is nominated for Best Actor. Sure, he's gorgeous and yummy and a decent actor but I would've picked the dude that plays George O'Malley.

Well, on second thought, the only person I'd pick is Jason Dohring so there you go.

If VM does not make it to a season three, my life is so totally over. I need to see Veronica in college. I need a season three. Cancelling a show that doesn't suck, like, at all and keeping on-air shows that suck but get higher ratings is such an injustice that I haven't the words to describe it.

Seriously though, an SMS I received caused my mood to take a nosedive, and then I was on the TWoP forum and foud out that VM was snubbed which made my mood even worse. So I put on Pete Yorn and I feel better, but only slightly.

Fans - including myself - are tearing Veronica a new one for not confronting Duncan with regard to his weirdness and the secrets he keeps from her and generally taking a passive attitude towards her (screwed up, in my opinion) boyfriend. After the aforementioned SMS though, I think I get it, why she lets things slide instead of having a huge dramatic confrontation.

In a way, Passive Veronica is more realistic. Although the emotional pay-off of a huge dramatic confrontation is extremely palatable, the truth is, a sizeable portion of us mere mortals don't opt for that choice. It's easier to pretend things that cause your chest to constrict never happened, to constantly tell yourself to overlook a person's flaws, probably because she desperately clings on to that Donut boyfriend of hers, not for who he is, but for the normalcy that he represents. Normal is the Watchword and Donut is the armed guard; but if this isn't who she is the eventual emotional explosion is going to hurt just that much more.

Similarly. You need a wall to lean on, that one person outside of your family whose absence will kill you; in the light of such desperation for outside contact you just kind of let things slide. You wonder, but you let things slide.

Still, I'd be lying if I said I'm totally fine, I'm totally cool, it's totally okay; because I'm wondering that much more now and truly, honestly? I don't get it.

What the hell?

That is all.

before sunrise // before sunset

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