written: 9:08 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 18, 2003

Nowadays the weather is beautiful. It's been raining the past few days, and rain kind of gives me a sense of calm or peace, or both, and I could be all knotted up inside, wanting to burst with the frustration I've accumulated over the past few weeks... but I don't.

So honestly I did consider throwing in the towel and giving it all up, if only for a few flitting seconds. Retire to the polytechnic and get a diploma, thus forgoing my aim of going to a university, doing what I'm passionate about and going all the way. I don't think I should give up just because of the crappy JC system and the horrible stress though. It's not worth it.

Bloody Econs test today was, yeah, shit. If I'm lucky I should manage a C... that is, if the teacher can make sense of my horrendous scribble. But then I'm never lucky anyway so I'm just going to fail.

Anyway, I've seriously lost any urge to write, for one reason or another, so I'm forcing this shit entry out of myself right now so pardon me if it sucks.

I honestly have nothing to talk about.

Apparently my CCA wants 15 people to go on some community involvement trip to Johor Bahru (in Malaysia), bringing along some kids from the Boys' Home and looking after them. I don't know the details but kinda like the way it sounds right now.

But if we're going to sleep in horrible tents with no proper showering facilities and a clean toilet for me to wash my contact lenses in, then there's no way in hell you can bribe me into going with even twenty CIP hours. I'd rather slog at the bloody library.

So that's all.

before sunrise // before sunset

- - Tuesday, Aug. 29, 2017
I'm moving. - Sunday, Jul. 11, 2010
In all honesty - Tuesday, Jul. 06, 2010
What I want for my birthday... - Sunday, Jul. 04, 2010
On Roger's behalf. - Friday, Jul. 02, 2010