sign the bloody guestbook!
written: 11:18 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 11, 2003

Can the kind soul reading my diary right now kindly sign my guestbook?

In fact, can everyone just sign my guestbook? Tell me what you think of the layout (I really want to know!), tell me what you think of the poem in the previous entry (I really want to know!), tell me that I suck (I really don't want to know but do it anyway!), tell me that I should stop writing, tell me ANYTHING! Just fucking sign the guestbook!

Damn, I wasn't going to cover up (so to speak) that previous entry with this crap but I couldn't help myself.

Can I just say, though, that I really like the poem in the previous entry? It's my first poem since a long, long while... Then again, it's not. It's my first good poem since a long, long while and I'm really proud of it. Yeah, I am. And I wrote it in like, fifteen minutes or so. I don't edit or revise my poems (which is probably the reason why they have this interesting tendency to suck) and truth be told, I didn't even know what the hell 'efficacy' meant when I wrote it down; it just popped into my head and when such things happen, I thank my genius mind... okay, I thank my parents for giving me this strange intuition when they had sex and gave birth to me.

So what was I talking about besides the whole guestbook thing...? Yeah, like I said, I don't edit and revise my crap, which is why they remain as crap even after ten years, but this Supernova poem is different. I actually like it. I actually think it's good. For all my arrogance and conceit (thanks Jo-Mel), I hardly ever think that I write good poetry, and I'm being very honest right now and not at all cocky.

Seriously, I think my poetry sucks. But I really like that poem. How many times must I say this? Comment on the poem, bloody hell!

And also remember to tell me if you can guess who the 'he' refers to.

It's actually bleeding obvious and whoever doesn't know, doesn't know me at all.

I mean, I have only talked about him in, oh, ten entries in a month?

I have to post this before the person reading my diary stops reading. And I have to move my arse if not it'll go totally numb, along with my left foot and I hate pins and needles.

Sign my guestbook. Come on, you know you want to.

before sunrise // before sunset

- - Tuesday, Aug. 29, 2017
I'm moving. - Sunday, Jul. 11, 2010
In all honesty - Tuesday, Jul. 06, 2010
What I want for my birthday... - Sunday, Jul. 04, 2010
On Roger's behalf. - Friday, Jul. 02, 2010