smile on your face
written: 9:04 p.m. on Saturday, Jul. 19, 2003

The racial harmony forum at AJC, the formal, stiff-upper-lip event that I attended today wearing the stuffy JJC blazer and tie, was interesting. A lot of emphasis was placed on creating a common space for Singaporeans of all races to interact and understand each other, but without changing our individual cultures and religious beliefs, etc etc. In other words, "unity in diversity".

A nice concept, for sure. Workable, I think. Applicable, definitely. The thing is... well, I'm not entirely sure what the thing is. One of the speakers talked about removing the hyphen from our identity. Instead of saying that I'm Chinese-Singaporean, it'll be nicer to say that I'm Singaporean Chinese.

I agree, it'll be a big step towards establishing a sense of belonging amongst Singaporeans.

But. Personally, I take a lot more pride in my culture than I do in my country. Yes, I would defend both to death, but I'd defend the Chinese culture, language and race with more fervour than I would defend Singapore, or even myself, if some ignorant fuckhead comes along and starts talking thrash about any of those things.

So I'm sorry. I'm Chinese Singaporean. Still Singaporean, of course. I would never trade my citizenship for another, I don't think, despite all the things I find wrong with the country.

But before all else, I'm Chinese. Thank you very much.


I'm going to this fun fair at CHIJ St. Theresa's Convent tomorrow with The New Kid.

I'm supposed to go with my CCA's exco members. That's why I'm even going in the first place, 'cause I have to.

But The New Kid asked me if I wanted to go yesterday during Maths lecture. And I think it's more fun going with him than them, although they're nice people and all.

There's actually a long story behind this but I'm too lazy to go into it so nevermind about that. The thing is, he asked me to go. And he didn't ask anyone else.

And he's downloading Jay Chou's new song for me.

Right now, I'm happy.

before sunrise // before sunset

- - Tuesday, Aug. 29, 2017
I'm moving. - Sunday, Jul. 11, 2010
In all honesty - Tuesday, Jul. 06, 2010
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On Roger's behalf. - Friday, Jul. 02, 2010