this is shit
written: 2:03 a.m. on Friday, Dec. 20, 2002

Just finished Chapter 8 of the Rukawa fic. Woo-hoo. I don't really have a plot in mind, except the ending, I'm just going wherever my genius mind takes me.

So I watched this hilarious spoof of the Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, brought to you by French and Saunders. I loved that bit when they spoofed the Saruman/Gandalf confrontation. They had poor Gandalf flipping back and forth like a...well, I don't know what that oval-shaped doll that never falls is called in English. Bu Dao Wong. I can't remember.

That had me laughing til I could die. Oh, and Mitsui made a wonderful elusion yesterday but he missed his shot. Nevermind.

Anyway, there isn't a purpose in this entry. At all. Don't even know why I'm typing this shit. You know what I realised yesterday? I realised that Orlando Bloom is one hot Brit, with or without the Legolas look. In fact, I prefer him without the Legolas look. I just love the animated way he talks and his dare-devil nature. The dude is crazy. He likes jumping off buildings for fun. He has this long scar on his back 'cause he broke it by falling out of some window or whatever and okay, it's really sexy. I like scars. Especially on a person's face (like Mitsui's on his chin). And Orlando has the cutest eyes. Ah yes, he does.

I think I need to pee.

before sunrise // before sunset

- - Tuesday, Aug. 29, 2017
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