a stupid entry.
written: 11:51 p.m. on Wednesday, Apr. 27, 2005

Once again, I'm not supposed to have Internet connection but I guess some neighbour of mine has a really strong router or something, I dunno. I probably should take precautions but...but.

Anyway. I'm supposed to be writing that bothersome Law essay thingy right now but then I got side-tracked when I discovered that I can surf the net. This is bad, isn't it? I'd so have to disable my wireless connection really soon or else.

Yikes. This is bad. Nothing good ever comes out of procrastination, ever. Shit. I have to think up something cool and witty and original to say about myself...that is, apart from the whole "I grew up in Taipei" thing. I mean, after a while it kinda gets insipid, you know? It's not really very special anyway considering how 1) my Chinese sucks; 2) my attempts at speaking Mandarin with the Taipei-Chinese accent are seriously abysmal; and 3) I can neither speak nor understand Hokkien/Taiwanese. It's hilarious, then, that I had the gall to write 'Hokkien/Taiwanese' in the 'other dialects spoken' box and I'm not going to cancel it. I don't know, a blank box looks pretty bad to me, so.

Okay, so I just spent the past twenty minutes or so reading Samurai Champloo fanfiction and I've forgotten what I initially wanted to say. Haha. Right. Anyway, new topic: fanfiction!

I am so damn sick of the crappy nonsense that floods Fanfiction.net's Slam Dunk category. I hate original characters and fics that revolve around these stupid OCS. Such fics are, more likely than not, a mere outlet via which delusional "writers" play out their fantasies involving themselves and an intense romance with, for instance, Rukawa Kaede (it's always RukawaxOC anyway). That, or the OCs are so sickeningly perfect that they're completely unrealistic. How can a bloody girl possibly beat the Slam Dunk dudes at basketball? No bloody way. Mary Sue-ism is the worst, I swear.

In sharp contrast, Samurai Champloo has pretty well-written fanfics. I mean, okay, so there are only like 19 but the ones that I've read were rather well-written, ie. minimal grammatical errors, fluency of sentences, some semblance to literary quality, things that I cannot say for 99% of all Slam Dunk fics out there. It's sad, really. I haven't got into the habit of flaming stupid, lousily-written and downright shitty OC fics yet but if the day ever comes that I become seriously bored, I'd definitely do that. Especially MitsuixOC fics. I mean, everyone knows that he's my soulmate, since my pen name is Hisashi Loves Yelen. Like, duh, you know?

I really need to get started on that essay.

before sunrise // before sunset

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